Tag: legion

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herunswithwolves:*** Spoilers for season 1 ***I have been waiting to finish this video ever since episode three! That’s around when I started and I decided to wait out the rest of the season and I’m really glad that I did! What...

#LegionFX #seasonfinale 🤓🙌🎉 #legion #davidhaller #danstevens #aubreyplaza #marvel #xmen #geek

gearing up for my #legionfx marathon before the #seasonfinale tomorrow! 🙌😀 #davidhaller #danstevens #legion #marvel #xmen...

bobbiesdraper: Legion S01E07 lol my new mantra!  “i am pretty i am loved” #legionfx #ch7 #danstevens #davidhaller...
