Tag: River Phoenix
Keanu and River
thecampfirescene: Keanu and River by Abigayle Tarsches
Keanu Reeves will always love River
vera-kozhemiakina: —...
True Friendship and Love
winterswake: —...
I have a dream of my own…
I have a dream of my own And it’s mine all mine alone Its been my friend since I was just a...
River Phoenix 1970-1993
(via helloserenity) River Phoenix 1970-1993 Happy Birthday, R.I.P....
August 23rd would have been River’s 40th birthday
eternalriver: On August 23rd, it would have been River’s 40th birthday, had we still been blessed...
i miss river phoenix, and i love guys with long hair because of him
i miss river phoenix, and i love guys with long hair because of him. i always see matthew gray gubler and think of...
i miss river phoenix, and i love guys with long hair because of him
i miss river phoenix, and i love guys with long hair because of him. i always see matthew...
“I know this road”
mondoghosto: “I know this...